Author, Coach, Community Builder

Are you a 40+(ish) year old woman yearning to embrace all that your one wild and wonderful life has to offer?

If so, then I’ve got a new Meetup community for you, called “Older, Wiser and Young(ish) at Heart”. As a soon-to-be sextagenerian planning on having many adventure-filled and fulfilling years ahead, I started this group as a positive community for like-minded women to connect, support and encourage each other in living authentic, meaningful and FUN (!) lives.

Events are currently hosted in Victoria, BC and can vary from Meet N’ Greet socials to coffee chats to walks/hikes to movies, picnics, personal development workshops and experiences and more.

You can find out more, check out upcoming events and join the Meetup Group by clicking here.

I’m Heather Pardon, aka That Daisy Chick. As a writer, author and coach, I’m passionate about helping others live full, authentic and heart-centered lives.

Why am I so passionate about what I do? Because I spent far too many years living out of tune with my heart, following the crowd and trying to meet the expectations of others, all in the pursuit of a life that I mistakenly believed would make me happy. By the time I hit my mid-40s, it was clear that that approach had failed miserably.

Feeling unhappy, stuck and lost, I felt a huge chasm between the life I’d created and the life my heart yearned for. I eventually reached my breaking point, decided to answer the call of my heart and take an entirely different path forward. The end result was a mid-life overhaul that led to the sale of my downtown Ottawa home, purging most of my possessions, letting go of two businesses and purchasing a 28 foot RV that would take me on an adventure across Canada. And eventually help me to find the happiness, authenticity and peace within I’d long been seeking.

I don’t believe that our traditional approach to happiness works - the relentless pursuit of stuff, status, success, distractions, busyness culture, none of that is longlasting or deeply fulfilling. I believe that we all need to find our own path to a version of happiness, peace and fulfilment that works for us. And that your heart is an invaluable companion on the journey to creating a life that is true for you.

I live on a small island on the west coast of Canada where I enjoy cycling, nature hikes with my dog, paddleboarding and living life off the beaten path, much like wild daisies do.🌼🌼🌼

I’m an Author, Certified Life Coach, HeartMath Mentor, Meetup Organizer, former Personal Trainer, committed adventurer of the heart and will never say no to dessert.

I’ve been a featured guest on several podcasts, including Thinking Vitamins and The Complete Life, a contributor to Alchemy Magazine and an active member of Toastmasters International for over 10 years. I’m currently working on a new memoir which will be published when it’s ready.

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